Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Another Prayer Request

Keep my mother in your prayers today. She is in the hospital after a fall and has contracted a staph infection. I'm 12 hours away and my younger sister is taking care of things down there.

You might pray for her, too. Our family is crazy and she doesn't really have any help there since our other sister lives here where I live. I should qualify that. The boys are crazy in my family.

You know, the infection is serious but I'm more concerned for her soul than anything else. I was praying last night for her but all I could pray about was her spiritual state. There is a long personal story here but because of the involvement of six other people, I can't go into it. Let's just say that when you live your life your way, at the end of the day, your way may not have been the right way. So pray for her.

In other news, my shoulder is really hurting today and so are my legs. Could be the weather. The shoulder hurts from the curve of my neck straight down my back to the left of my spine to just where my bra stars. I'm sure that's a muscle but the name escapes me for the moment. I'm getting a headache as a result of that. Oh well, nothing last forever, I guess. I have too many doctor appointments coming up to take off for another cervical block.l I'm really nervous about them anyway but I did feel wonderful for nearly a whole month.

So, pray for me, too.

I gotta run. Work is calling. Wonder if I could just hang up?

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

What a Crazy World!

I have discovered Pod-cast! Really. I've decided I want an iPod, something I have not, until now, found a logical use for. But I've been listening to a audio pod-cast on my computer at home and work. It is a fiction program much like an old radio show. Well, I downloaded iTunes so I could just download it and listen while doing other things.

What I discovered is that there are a lot of free pod-cast that are really good! I can learn any language I want! I can brush up on my two year college Spanish! For Free! There are several of actual old radio shows. I like listening to these at work. Relieves the monotony of some jobs.I could listen in my car if I had a way.... {smile}. So, thus is born my reevaluation of the iPod.

I don't listen to the radio at all in the car. We.. maybe once in awhile the Christian station or the oldies station but usually not. I do frequently listen to gospel CD's. And imagine when I discovered you can get pod-cast of Christian programs.

I was just browsing, minding my own business. There were some that looked interesting. Most are not of my faith but there were some I thought might be good, like a Bible reading every day. Or maybe the XXX Church? WHAT! XXX CHURCH! I went to the information page. Yep. XXX CHURCH! A Christian Porn pod-cast!


My second reaction: OH MY GOD! I can't believe that!

My third reaction: I gotta blog this!

Come on! CHRISTIAN PORN! Lord have mercy the world is filled with people absolutely devoid of any brain at all. They are walking around with their heads filled with pus and absolutely no idea of how stupid they really are! I do not usually blast anyone here but there are some forms of idiocy that simply can't be ignored. They boggle the normal mind, astound the intelligent, and shock the sane.

Fourth reaction: DID I READ THAT CORRECTLY??? I don't know what sicko even imagined that there was such a thing. What cesspool did they come out of?

For those who do not know... pornography can't, by its very nature be Christian! It is anathema to Biblical principals as stated in the ONLY authorized Christian text - THE BIBLE. Obviously, the moron who started this pod-cast didn't read the directions. Someone give them a bottle of Ipecac and tell them it's koo-laid! Clean that sewer out!

I am SO offended by this and there is not a darn thing I can do. Welcome to America! No wonder God plans to blow the whole place up!

Oh yes He does. Revelations is pretty clear on that.

Whew! I think I got it all out but I'm still not sure! I may be back. Sorry, folks. . . . . . . . no, I'm not. People need to say something... LOUDLY!

Rain, Rain, Rain

And snow on the way. I suspect. It has rained for the last two days and my guess is that we will have ice next. We may even get a white Christmas if this continues!

Hope all of you are doing well. I'm still caught up in other things and my posts are BORING! Nothing really riveting to post about unless it is the weather. I saw on Jilly's blog that it was raining in England, too. Doesn't it always? Seems like it rains a lot there. I wonder if it is like Seattle here? I'll have to look at the Latitude and Longitude to see how it compares.

They say it always rains in Seattle too. One of my favorite songs growing up was a sung by Sammi Smith and called "Seattle". "The bluest skies you've ever seen are in Seattle and the hills the greenest green, in Seattle." It made me want to go to Seattle!

Boy am I reaching!

I gotta get back to work. I just returned from lunch and had appointment all morning. Maybe catch up later.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Finding the Center

Alice sent me this this morning and I really enjoyed it. I hope you will, too.

It is a powerpoint presentation and you will need a viewer on your computer. For those of you who don't have a Powerpoint viewer, you can get a free PowerPoint viewer from Microsoft here: Just select PowerPoint Viewer 2003 and follow the prompts to download. Then, select the attachment and it will open in the viewer.