Tuesday, March 18, 2008


There is something about rain that soothes the soul. I'm not sure why. Something about the sound of the crystal clear drops splattering on a sidewalk or running off the eaves of the house is just the most beautiful sound in the world. I never grow weary of it.

My grandmother used to tell me that it wouldn't rain in heaven and there would be no storms there. I'm sure for someone nervous about storms this was a comfort. But as a hurricane hardened child, I was very saddened by that news and when I prayed, I would often tell God that wherever he put me, I hoped there would be rain and thunder and lightening once in awhile. Streets of gold are all well and good but I suspect that gold won't be slippery enough to do a really good slide if it isn't wet. And the smell of grass is not nearly as sweet as it is after a summer rain. The air of a hot summer is only freshened by a quick thunderstorm that you can smell half an hour before it arrives.

For me, sitting in the dark watching heaven throw flaming arrows at the earth is the most exciting contest I can imagine.

It is one thing I miss most about my Southland. We have wonderful thunderstorms that charge the air with excitement and electricity. Just standing on the porch during a storm with the air sizzling from a lightening bolt and feeling the force of the thunder against your chest and the explosion in your ears gives you a physical impression of raw power that you can get nowhere else and survive. If you aren't cautious, you won't survive that either.

Tonight it is raining. For me, it is one of those nights when the sound of the rain brings a coolness to fevered thought, a freshening of the spirit, and a cleansing of the soul.

Turn your face up to the heavens and let the rain fall.

Just When I Was Feeling Better

You know, sometimes it doesn't pay to read the paper or watch the news or well, read anything at all! I was getting my feet back under me and along comes another domesdayer.

Can We Really Run Out of Food?

I need to just shut off everything, phone, cable, internet, subscriptions, etc. and find a place in the woods where I can grow my own food and live off the land. Sounds good to me.


No Blue In Sight

Gray skies, nothing but gray skies. Gray skies from now on.... Well, it feels like it. Rain is falling. Does rain do anything else? Lately, not much but once it falls, it just sort of lies there. The ground is saturated and I'm beginning to feel as if I'm watching a lake form around my house. Fortunately, I live on high ground so, I'll have plenty of warning if it gets too bad.

I have to say I am having a really bad bout with pain. My back, from my neck to my ankles. feels as if I have been beaten with a stick. It feels just like I am bruised all over. It isn't funny but my butt and upper thighs are probably the worst. I"ve never had pain in that location of this type except when I started doing squats to strengthen and tone that area. I can assure you, I have not done that for years.

This pain thing is just insane. There is no rhyme or reason and no way to predict where it will strike next. If it wasn't so miserable it would be fascinating. I test areas to see exactly what hurts and how it feels and I am always surprised by what I find. But it really hurts.

My husband told me today I needed to see the doctor and get something for it. I looked at him and wondered where he's been for the last two years. I said, "There is no sense seeing a doctor. I am already taking everything they know to give me. It doesn't work. There is no medicine, no cure, no reason, no understanding in regards to this. Until a few years ago insurance wouldn't cover it because it "didn't exist" except in the patient's head. It can't be fixed or repaired or managed."

He looked at me as if I had just sprouted two heads. I'm not sure if this isn't the first time it has really registered that I am really hurting and it is not going to go away. Well, not unless God heals me. And I don't think my husband really gets it yet.

Monday, March 17, 2008

What is St. Patrick's Day?

I was a bit surprised when Riete told me she had no idea what St. Patrick's Day is! But when I think about it, perhaps a lot of people don't. So, I've provided a a link to the History Channel website with the interesting details of this Irish American holiday. We don't take off for this holiday, by the way. It is more of a tip of the hat to our Irish roots... well, those of us who have them.

St. Patrick's Day

An Irish Blessings

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Hope you have a grand St. Patrick's Day.

Well, the Irish do have a great way with words. I believe it is called the Gift of the Gab. I've been told I have that gift, too. I found lots of blessings and prayers. I love this one,
If God sends you down a stony path,may he give you strong shoes.

I could celebrate St. Patrick's Day but since I don't drink beer of any color, it may be difficult. I didn't wear green today and I am too sore to dance a jig! Since I am of Scot-Irish-German descent with little bit of Cherokee I imagine there are several holidays I could celebrate but I have no idea what they are. I'll have to google and find out.

Today is my maternal grandparents anniversary, or would be if they were still alive. I've always had a fondness for the day for that reason.

How will you celebrate today?