Sunday, October 30, 2011

Hitting the Pavement

I didn't get far into the light before I fell flat on my face. Literally.

I went to the store and picked up something for Becca to decorate with and was delivering it to her house yesterday before I went to lunch and to do my shopping. She was at the playground with Sarah and that's where we headed.

The sidewalks there have steps at odd places but they aren't marked and tend to blend with the rest of the walkway. She's fallen and I've tripped several times. Yesterday, I did a pancake.

My right foot hit the step and I fell like a falling tree. Straight down on my stomach and chest. I had the forethought, amazing what happens in your mind in split seconds, to arch my back and tilt my head back and use my hands to break my fall, barely. My nose was inches from the sidewalk when it was over. And I couldn't get up a minute.

I rolled over and struggled to a sitting position. There is a fence where I fell. It was difficult because everything was screaming in pain. Mike tried to help me up but I had to just sit for a bit. Knees smacked the ground first and then I fell forward bringing my hands up to brace me. I felt it everywhere. I had a scratch on my knee and my right palm, in the fleshy part near the wrist was scraped. My right wrist was hurting and I know I'd heard something pop. Left hand had a minor abrasion.

Mike looked at my knee and said, 'Well Mom, at least you didn't tear you panty hose!"

{Mom shakes head}

He had yelled at Becca almost immediately. I really couldn't get up! It was crazy but everything was just aching. We went to her apartment where I washed the scrapes and put liquid bandage on them. I iced the wrist. It was achy but I didn't think it was broken. A vein popped up and turned blue but the ice helped. Still, it was stiffening nicely and I decided I should have it x-rayed to be sure. And if I had to file a claim it would be on record.

So, x-ray showed no beaks.l They sent me home. Home, I went. Dropped Mike off at his house and called it a day.

Nothing accomplished.

Today, my usual pain is gone but I'm stiff all over.

How shower in five.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Into the Light?

I'm actually on my way out. I've been absolutely swamped, running all over. I haven't had this much fun since . . . well years. I have had so little pain in years! I'm awake and it feels sort of like Sleeping Beauty must have felt.

O.k. cue Prince Charming, please.

The Meet & Greet was a resounding success. Twenty people showed up and it was tremendous fun to talk and laugh with them all. I got to meet Loraine's husband, who is NOT doing NaNo but I really wanted to meet him and I think she just asked him to join her. The age range of the group was 15 to 55. Guess who was oldest? :-( Everyone seemed to be very excited and really glad to be there. I'm really looking forward to the month. Now if I can just get an idea.....

Cue plot bunnies, please.

Say a prayer for Loraine. She has her second surgery this month. They say it is easier than the first but who knows.

I'm on my way out to do some shopping and pick up Mike. I'm sure he'll want to have lunch with me. He needs hearing aid supplies I think so we'll be going to Beltone, too. Hope no one thinks it for me!

Had an epiphany this week in the car. The thought went through my mind, really a question, "Am I happy?" I really did think about it. My brain is working much better since I'm not dealing with pain and lack of sleep. I had an answer pretty quickly. "I'm enjoying what I'm doing. I am not happy."

I know, bit of an oxymoron. And yet, it is true. I don't actually think happiness is possible anymore. I'm living in a moment. I'm capturing whatever light I can pull around me. I'm latching onto whoever makes me smile, laugh, or feel special. I'm not thinking about tomorrow in any real or long term sense. It will have to take care of itself.

I just don't want to go back in that cave. I really, really don't.

Friday, October 28, 2011

FRIDAY! The Mad Rush to the Weekend


You've already been apprised of my week. But thankfully, joyfully, splendidly, I've felt wonderful this week compared to how I've felt all year! Virtually NO pain!

Must give God the Praise. Sunday night, Bro Ashcraft visited our church again and I asked him to pray for me again. Remember my feet and how badly they were hurting all the time? After the Sunday night he came over and told me he was going to pray for my feet, I've had almost no pain in my feet. I have not been waking up crippled before I get out of bed. So Sunday I just went up when they asked if anyone wanted prayer. I didn't say what for. And he did.

I had a lot of neck pain that day. By Monday night I have virtually none. I've been sleeping better for a few weeks now but still had pain issues. This week I have one spot that has bothered me and it was so mild I took Tylenol for it!

So, Praise the Lord for that! Will it come back, who knows. I'll take every blessing I get gladly.

I had the Writer's meeting last night. Loraine brought a small cake and she and I and Doug had birthday cake. The others couldn't make it. I talked so much I finally asked someone else to talk because I was babbling. They laughed at me and did! LOL

Tonight, Meet & Greet. In fact, my hair is in a towel now and I have to go get it dry and put on my sweater.

I've had virtual roses in the Smoking Pen and a poem from Dragon (screen name don't know his real name but a nice fellow to write with). I've had a Cracker Barrel gift card from Roselynn, a Starbucks gift card and a birthday cake from Loraine and today my friend Carolyn at work gave me a new beaded watchband. It is really pretty. She always gets me something every year. Must remember her this year! Her birthday is the end of December and she is usually not at work and I don't see her. So a nicer day than I had envisioned. In fact, in the Pen tonight they appear to be gearing up for a birthday party! At least that is what I hear.

So, off for now. I'll let you know how it turns out.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


I'm doing my usual ramble online. I do this by reading headlines I have on my Google homepage. This one, "Mass Alien Abduction Experiment in Los Angeles", struck my fancy.

First, I'm not surprised by the location. LaLa Land is centered in this area. People there do weird thing, well, weirder than the rest of us it seems. If you're from LaLa Land and find this offensive, you proved my point. If you can't laugh at yourself, you're crazy.

Second, and the title of this post, WHY? Why would you do such and experiment if you believe the stories of alien abduction? Did they pick only unbelievers? If so, does that corrupt the data because only unbelievers were used? And if only believer were used, can I trust that the data is not tainted by their FAITH? Takes faith to believe in something you can't actually prove.

If they used both believers and non-believers, what does that mean? Does it mean that they actually were abducted or that it was all in their heads. And if you have an OBE, does it mean you weren't abducted? I mean, we have a soul in my belief system. So, if you're soul leaves your body and goes "somewhere else" without your permission, isn't that an abduction?

I think it leaves far more questions that it answers. The biggest one. WHY!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Mid-Week Mayhem, Madness & Meltdown

Oh my stars and garters! What a week it's been and what a week to come. The past week has been chaotic. We had to help admissions on ... I don't remember the day! Basically, we all had to take applications... oh, last Wednesday, and enter them in the computer. These are the last of our waiting list to be entered. I lost a day of my own work! You all know this happens all the time.

We had a couple of computer issues. Who ya gonna call? Fortunately, it was the nut behind the wheel in one case and in the other a power supply issue that can't be fixed by moi. Call my backup, Jay, supertech! He took the old computer away for repair and hooked up our roaming laptop that we use for briefings for Stacey to use.

Then, I had the weekend with Sarah. Did I take Thursday and Friday off last week? I think I did. I don't remember! I had the P & P meeting on Saturday. Two people showed..... yes I know. But it's fine. They were nice and young and .... intimidated so it was fine. I really am NICE!

Monday rolls around and I'm three days behind. I spend Mon-Tues. catching up and putting out fires in all areas. Today we had move briefing. My day to do the presentation, as it usually is since no one else wants to do it. "But you do a really good job." Yes, I do since I wrote the blasted thing! And my spontaneous jokes are funny... most people laugh. Even the staff laughs. So... it is my one concession to exhibitionism.

After the briefing, which last about two hours, I took the laptop back to Stacey's office and reconnected everything. Then, I went to lunch with Carolyn. Came back to another meeting regarding setting up for the opening of the waiting list. We are opening the waiting list November 3 after three years! We expect ... couple of thousand people to show up. It is only open for ten days. There are 8 of us handling the crowd. There will be NO jokes.

Tomorrow it is software training in the a.m. and HUD training in the p.m. And the piles are growing, folks! Pretty soon you won't be able to find me. OH! Writer's Asylum meeting is tomorrow night!

Friday... God only  knows. Friday night, Meet & Greet for local NaNo's. If you're in the area, come on down!

Saturday I hope to goodness I can relax.

Sunday my aunt and uncle will arrive, unless they come Saturday.

Monday my sister, Phyllis, has surgery to remove her gall bladder. She will come home to MY house with my aunt Phillis and uncle Dale... they're wonderful, really. I don't know what I'd do without them.

We are now into November. Tuesday, NaNoWriMo starts and I have to come up with 1666 brilliant, exciting, wondrous words every night for a month. My original goal was to write at night from Mon. to Fri every week, skipping the weekends. That is 2273 words a day for 22 days... I can do that... really, 2273 words is not much for me.... generally. {sigh} I really, really want to do it that way.


Have I mentioned I'm feeling really, really good? So good that I'm terrified it will end.