Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It's Morning!

Well, the clock says it is. So far it is dark and gloomy out. It was even darker when I woke up at 6:20 a.m.! I beat the clock again. But I was in bed by 10:30 and out of it almost immediately.

Yesterday was so exhausting that when we got done I didn't think I would get through the two hours remaining hours until closing. Once home, I took my meds right away and watched one television show. I wrote for about an hour but did not reach my word count for the night because I was nearly falling asleep at the keyboard! I'm about 600 words short. But, I'm off three days next week and I am hoping to really get some serious work done then so I am ahead of the pack. There is a write in this Saturday but I have a purse auction to be at on Saturday as well and I think there is a time conflict. So, not sure I'll get to the write in.

Anyway, this morning, I'm giving the pain a level 2 again. Yesterday it wasn't bad either by by 10:00 I was dead on my feet and I didn't feel well. I am watching it today and see if that happens again. I don't know if some of my meds are doing it or if it is the fibro or RA. I've been taking these meds for several years and don't recall noticing that aspect before. Not to say it can't happen. I had to stop taking Lipitor when I began to have little known side effects. I'd been taking it nearly 2 years.

Honestly, I think my muscle problems are connected to that period of taking Lipitor. Just my opinion.

Well, since I feel pretty good at the moment, I am going to stop now and get my things ready for work. I was fully dressed and tresses up and had my buttered toast and coffee by 7 a.m. so I've got a bit of time to get my things sorted for work and relax a moment. Don't usually have that at all!

It is now 7:20 and the gloom is shows no signs of lifting. Jilly my flowers are STILL lovely! You got your money's worth my friend. I've had them a week today. LOL! Thank you again for brightening my birthday and my whole week.

Jilly, my sister - Stuck in the Middle, and aunt - Dixie's Aunt, cooked up the little plot. Hmmm, Plot of Flowers. Good title for a book. LOL, anyway, they plotted together and I have been blessed all week with the results = a beautiful blooming bouquet. When the flowers are gone, I'll have the cutes pot! It is covered in colored squares like a quilt and says Happy Birthday, each letter in a square!

So, the day begins on a positive note today. Pray for it to continue. The pain in my arms is probably giving me the most difficulty. I just can't life a certain way, not even a coffee cup!

Oh, do you remember me mentioning my writer friend and former instructor sometime back? He sent me a note yesterday that his only daughter was in hospital after attempting suicide. Please put her on your prayer list for God to touch her. I felt so terrible for him. He is way up north and she is here. I believe he is coming down this weekend when they tell him she is to be released. However, I know he must be going insane with worry. He mother is with her now. His own state of mind has not been that good in the last two years. He's had health problems of his own. I know they could both use the prayer. He makes it sound as if he is an agnostic or an atheist but sometimes, there is this sense that he wants someone to prove him wrong. I have refused to argue the point with him and I think that bugs him no end. But I know who can change things.

He'd be furious to I even mention all this but he is a dear friend but I am so concerned about him and his daughter. So pray for them both. If something happened to his daughter, I do not see him surviving that.

I'm off to work kiddies!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

NaNoWriMo Status Report

Cattle Call

Recertifications are all day today. That is where we meet with clients and requalify them for housing assistance. There are 175 to see before 3 p.m. and six of us will do that. I despise these meetings. It is like herding cattle through a chute.

I'm very depressed this morning. I did write last night and am over 3000 words, which is where you want to be but I'm just so down I can't really think straight. I'm sleeping ok. Went to bed at 10:30 and that is early for me! I woke when the alarm went off at 6:30 without a problem so that must be the number of hours I need. The constant tiredness will come back in about two hours. I always feel I need to lie down after that.

Anyway, I'm off to be the wizard, granting wishes and doling out cash to the needy and the lazy. Well, not actually cash but you get the idea. It isn't the needy I mind about.

I wish I could go away again for about a week and sit in the sun. I truly miss the sun. I hate this cold so much. I never get truly warm and everything aches.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Wake Up!

I woke before the alarm went off this morning. I took one of my Doxepin last night and had a really good sleep. I'm getting ready to eat something and head out for work. I really hate working. I want to stay home and write and do things around the house.

Actually, pain is very manageable this morning. Some in the shoulder and a bit in the wrist, hands, and knees but I'd say a 2 on the scale. I hope that last throughout the day. I am going to try and take the Doxepin for a few days and see how much it helps in the long term. I know the pain is the link to the exhaustion. I'm not nearly as tired when I've had a good sleep and pain levels go down.

If it continues to be a problem, I'll be calling for another cervical block to see if I can at least get several months rest.

Writing tonight is a must. Need to get at 10,000 by the weekend. By the 15th I have to be at 15,000 to stay on target. I'd like to be over that to give me wiggle room. So pray for plot bunnies to jump out at me from all directions! LOL, ttfn, everyone.

Jerry would be so excited for me. He wouldn't say much but he'd be in his chair and keep everyone out. I seem to miss him the most in the mornings and at night.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

NaNo Write-In

I went to church this morning and left as soon as it was over in order to get to the Panera Bread restaurant by 1 p.m. I had to drop Mike off before I could head over. I had carried my laptop to church because of the time crunch and it was a good thing. I made it as some of my writing group drove up with about five minutes to spare.

All total, with our Municipal Liaison, there were 19 WriMos present. They varied in age from the 50's down to the early teens. NaNoWriMo also has a Young Writer's program where children can participate with a lower word count goal. One person brought their son and another brought her daughter. So, NaNo can be a family affair. The kids have a lower word count goal.

We had news coverage as well. The local Fox 7 News channel did lots of filming and talking with other participants. They asked for anyone willing to be tracked through the whole month. It appears they are going to do a feature after the end of November on one person from day one through the big finish on November 30th. Guess who they decided to follow for the next 30 days? Uh, yeah. Moi. I get to be on television. O.k. no pressure to reach my 50,000 words right? They want to be there when I cross the finish line. Anyone realize that the 30th is on a Monday? I got to finish early enough to get to bed to go to work the next morning!

My son asked why they picked me. I think it may have been because I mentioned I had thought I couldn't do it this year because of the kind of year I've had. I told him about Jerry dying and how it had impacted my writing in the last 10 months, to the point that I haven't done much but the blog. In fact, when I sat down I didn't have a clue. Not until the bell rang to start the first writing session did I even have an inkling.

Did I write anything at the meeting today? Why yes, I did. 2595 words in about 1 1/2 hrs. That's pretty good. Sarah, our ML, did a great job and we wrote in 30 minute spans. I think that was very helpful to get the word count. I may try the timer method at home. She used Tibetan chimes, very pretty sound. She was behind me the first time she stopped us and I nearly jumped out of my chair.

What did I write about? The news guy asked me that. Woman is awakened at 4 a.m. by pounding on her front door. Two policemen say they got a call that a woman was being assaulted at that address. Woman has no idea what they are talking about. She tells them to look around the property. She checks around inside the house. While she is doing that, they knock on the back door and when she goes down, they show her the body of a woman lying on her back porch... dead. She doesn't know the woman.

So, as the day winds down, I'm headed for a hot shower. Hands, arms and knees hurt pretty bad today. I was going to church but instead, I've taken my Doxepin and am planning to be in bed before 10 p.m. I'm calling my doctor tomorrow to get an updated prescription of that. I took it Thursday night and slept really well. I forgot how good a sleep I get with it.

I'll probably be posting a video blog, too but not sure. Stay tuned for more NaNo excitement. Same NaNo channel, same NaNo time... well, not so much. But you get the idea.