Monday, May 19, 2008

Who Am I, Really?

Your Career Personality: Brainy, Logical, and Efficient
Your Ideal Careers:

Book editor
Business manager
Civil engineer
You Are From Pluto
You are a dark, mysterious soul, full of magic and the secrets of the universe.
You can get the scoop on anything, but you keep your own secrets locked in your heart.
You love change and you use it to your advantage, whether by choice or chance.
You don't like to compromise, to the point of being self-destructive with your stubborness.
Live life with love, and your deep powers will open the world to you.
You Don't Need Extra Attention
You're perfectly happy with who you are, and you don't need attention to feel good about yourself.
You prefer to let your actions and accomplishments speak for themselves.
Working hard to get people to like you is your idea of a nightmare.
You've got a lot going on, and anyone with half a brain will notice that on their own!

You come across as: Confident and serious

People may wrongly think you're: Stuck up and shy
You Are 77% Creative
You are beyond creative. You are a true artist - even if it's not in the conventional sense of the word.
You love creating for its own sake, and you find yourself quite inspired at times.
You Are Fairly Normal
You scored 50% normal on this quiz

Like most people you are normal in some ways...
But you aren't a completely normal person. You're a little weird too!

Why You Are Normal:

You'd rather have rats than cockroaches in your home

You prefer fiction to non fiction

You think glasses can make someone more attractive

You rather be screwed over than screw someone else over

If you had to, you rather live without music and still have laughter

Why You Aren't Normal:

You prefer your family to your friends

You prefer the moon to the sun

You prefer a good nap to a good meal

You would rather be a movie star than an astronaut

You would rather be tan than pale
You Have Your PhD in Men
You understand men almost better than anyone.
You accept that guys are very different, and you read signals well.
Work what you know about men, and your relationships will be blissful.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

To Die for...

The day is georgeous- sunny, breeze, and comfortable, although the desktop says it is 80 degrees. It doesn't feel like 80. I really need to be cutting my yard but I've been trying to help Becca clean the new apartment to get it ready to move in by the 30th.

It is my sister's property and her tenant abandoned the unit a couple of months ago. Dave and Becca want to rent it now, although it is a one bedroom and small. Sarah won't sleep in her own bed anyway so it doesn't matter much. It will save them money for a year, if they are careful and save. Right.

We ripped the carpet up in the bedroom. The previous tenant had a cat and a dog and I swear she kept them locked in there when she went to work. It smelled of cat and when we pulled up the carpet, the smell of urine was horrible. The woman was a pig..My sister will have to put new flooring down. The hardwood floor below would require too much work at the moment. She can't afford it. So, we'll have to clean it and find some tile to put on it until later. Anyone have a fast, easy way to clean a floor that has glue and dirt on it? It is a shame because structurally, the floor is good. Refinished it would be a hardwood beauty.

I am not getting things done, you know. I just have no motivation and I think it is because someone always needs something and I'm the sap who says, "I'll help."

I am off the last week of the month and I am hoping I can do NOTHING! Yes, nothing but what I want to do. We will see. Dave and Becca will be moving that week and I will probably have Sarah a lot but that is a small thing. What I really need is to go somewhere. Of course one needs transportation for that and I have none.

I am going now. The sun is calling.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

A Rose By Any Other Name

I find these things rather interesting and usually not even close to the mark. This one, however, is weirdly accurate. My friend, Sheila, posted her's on her blog and I found it so interesting I tried my own name.

What you read here is actually true about me, even the negative parts!
Here is the result. I have deliberately not posted my name. The site address is at the bottom of the page.

My Name Means:

There are 16 letters in your name.
Those 16 letters total to 83
There are 5 vowels and 11 consonants in your name.

What your first name means:

GreekFemaleOf Cynthus (Mount Cynthus on the island of Delos). Famous bearer: Cynthia was one of the names of the mythological moon goddess Artemis, referring to her birth on Mount Cynthus.

Your number is: 11

The characteristics of #11 are: High spiritual plane, intuitive, illumination, idealist, a dreamer.

The expression or destiny for #11:
Your Expression number is 11. The number 11 is the first of the master numbers. It is associated with idealistic concepts and rather spiritual issues. Accordingly, it is a number with potentials that are somewhat more difficult to live up to. You have the capacity to be inspirational, and the ability to lead merely by your own example. An inborn inner strength and awareness can make you an excellent teacher, social worker, philosopher, or advisor. No matter what area of work you pursue, you are very aware and sensitive to the highest sense of your environment. Your intuition is very strong; in fact, many psychic people and those involved in occult studies have the number 11 expression. You possess a good mind with keen analytical ability. Because of this you can probably succeed in most lines of work, however, you will do better and be happier outside of the business world. Oddly enough, even here you generally succeed, owing to your often original and unusual approach. Nonetheless, you are more content working with your ideals, rather than dollars and cents.

The positive aspect of the number 11 expression is an always idealistic attitude. Your thinking is long term, and you are able to grasp the far-reaching effects of actions and plans. You are disappointed by the shortsighted views of many of your contemporaries. You are deeply concerned and supportive of art, music, or of beauty in any form.

The negative attitudes associated with the number 11 expression include a continuous sense of nervous tension; you may be too sensitive and temperamental. You tend to dream a lot and may be more of a dreamer than a doer. Fantasy and reality sometimes become intermingled and you are sometimes very impractical. You tend to want to spread the illumination of your knowledge to others irrespective of their desire or need.

Your Soul Urge number is: 7

A Soul Urge number of 7 means:
With a number 7 Soul Urge you are very fond of reading, and retreating to periods of being alone and away from the disruptions of the outer world. You like to dream and develop you idealistic understandings, to study and analyze, to gain knowledge and wisdom. You may be too laid back and withdrawn to really succeed in the business world, and you will be much more comfortable in circumstances that are tolerant of your reserve, your analytical approach, and your desire to use your mind rather than your physical being.

You are very timid around people that you don't know very well, so much so at times that casual conversation and social situations can be strained. You tend to repress your emotions to the extend that some people have a good bit of difficult understanding you. You tend to be very selective with friends and you don't easily adapt to new environments or to new people very quickly.

The negative traits of the 7 include becoming too much the introvert and isolated from others.

Your Inner Dream number is: 4

An Inner Dream number of 4 means:
You dream of being a very solid citizen that people can depend upon. You strive for organization and predictable order. You want to be recognized as a person with a plan and the discipline to make that plan work like clockwork.

Copyright © 2006 Paul R. Sadowski (

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I found the following article interesting. Fewer Latino Immigrants Send Money Home. Could it be that pulling in the welcome mat, tougher stance on immigration enforcement, and loud Citizen voices are making an impact? I certainly hope so.

What I suspect, however, is that the problems with our economy IS only just beginning and the illegals, like the citizens are feeling the impact. I didn't mention it before because I had to think about it, but if, in fact, Congress decided to legalize the several million illegals you can watch for the following to happen.

Welfare rolls for food stamps and aid to dependent children will balloon
Medicaid rolls will explode
Government housing rolls will explode.
Violent crime will escalate in response to critical shortages.

There will be more spent on these items than is being spent right now. And it is an unending cycle. Anyone who thinks this is a good idea, well, be prepared for astronomical tax hikes to the middle class. Expect more homeless legal Americans citizens. Those currently on these rolls will be pushed off over time and replaced by the "new illegal citizens".

Please understand me when I say I have no complaint with those who come to this country legally and make the effort to gain their citizenship. I do think we have a policy that is far to liberal because we can no longer support those who live here. But if you legally arrived on our shores, I respect your honesty and wish you the best in attaining your goal of becoming a citizen.

You should be aware that you will join the millions of American citizens who will pay for the expenses of the illegal immigrants.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mothers' Day

Happy Mother's Day to the all the woman in this most nobel profession. I hope you all have the a day filled with happiness with those who appreciate all your sacrifices.

I'll try and write more later. I have my aunt, uncle and youngest sister visiting this weekend and so I have been busy visiting.