Sunday, April 27, 2008

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Off To Work I Go!

The weather turned cold overnight last night and I had to close the windows. Tonight, I've had to close the windows and turn on the heat. The wind is out of the north and quite chilly. It is 53 degrees. I just got home from church, got my bath and while my hair is drying, I am writing this post.

The weekend has come to a close and I am exhausted and having problems with pain. I did too much, I fear. I worked yesterday in my yard, raking the grass and bagging it, and cutting the overgrown hedges down and dragging it to the street to be hauled away.

I still have three hedges left and a truck load of cuttings but I did as much as I could. Some of the limbs had grown to a three inches in diameter because I was not able to cut them last year. My oldest son came out to help when my daughter-in-law shamed him into it. Little Sarah helped with bagging the grass and her mommie helped and hauled them to the street too. My yard looks so much better so I can deal with the side effects. My younger son says he will come and haul out the rest tomorrow after work. He worked Saturday so could not be here to help.

I do love working in my yard. I don't have flower beds and such but it is a large yard. Sarah, as small as she is, can play in that great big yard for hours and probably not walk the same area twice. We bought this house because of the big yard, in 1990, when the youngest was 7. We bought a trampoline, a basketball goal, a children's pool, and some sand. They played out there all the time. A few times we considered selling out and leaving but I truly love my home, delipated though it has become, and my yard is so private that I doubt I'd be happier somewhere else.

I do hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I am not feeling great but I it was a lovely weekend and worth the price.

Friday, April 25, 2008

High Alert!

It is the WEEKEND! Now get out there and enjoy it!

I am on my way to Sam's Club to get a couple of rotisserie chickens for supper, pick up Becca and Sarah and sit on the patio and watch her play.

Hope you all have a sunny, dry, cool weekend! I may blog more later but maybe not. . .

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

545 People - A Political Statement

I got this in my email today. I have no idea if this is, in fact, written by Charlie Reese. I don't know if the statement at the end is true. If Charlie Reese didn't write it, I apologize to the author and ask that you let me know who you are so I can give you the highest credit. This is the best political statement I've ever read!

This is the simplest, most understandable and truest explanation of the woes of the nation and who caused them, as well as how to cure them. This should be sent to every person in the U.S., including the "545".

"545 People"
by Charlie Reese:

Politicians are the only people in the world who create problems and then campaign against them.

Have you ever wondered why, if both the Democrats and the Republicans are against deficits, we have deficits?

Have you ever wondered why, if all the politicians are against inflation and high taxes, we have inflation and high taxes?

You and I don't propose a federal budget. The president does.

You and I don't have the Constitutional authority to vote on appropriations. The House of Representatives does.

You and I don't write the tax code, Congress does.

You and I don't set fiscal policy, Congress does.

You and I don't control monetary policy, The Federal Reserve Bank does.

One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one president and nine Supreme Court justices - 545 human beings out of the 300 million - are directly, legally, morally and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country.

In 1913, Congress delegated its Constitutional duty to provide a sound currency to a federally chartered but private central bank.

Those 545 human beings spend much of their energy convincing you that what they did is not their fault. They cooperate in this common con regardless of party.

What separates a politician from a normal human being is an excessive amount of gall.

No normal human being would have the gall of a Speaker, who stood up and criticized the President for creating deficits.

The president can only propose a budget.

He cannot force the Congress to accept it.

The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives sole responsibility to the House of Representatives for originating and approving appropriations and taxes.

Who is the speaker of the House?

She is the leader of the majority party.

She and fellow House members, not the president, can approve any budget they want.

If the president vetoes it, they can pass it over his veto if they agree to.

It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 300 million can not replace 545 people who stand convicted -- by present facts - of incompetence and irresponsibility.

I can't think of a single domestic problem that is not traceable directly to those 545 people.

When you fully grasp the plain truth that 545 people exercise the power of the federal government, then it must follow that what exists is what they want to exist.

If the tax code is unfair, it's because they want it unfair.

If the budget is in the red, it's because they want it in the red.

If the Marines are in IRAQ, it's because they want them in IRAQ.

If gas is high, it's because they won't drill off Florida or in Alaska.

If they do not receive social security but are on an elite retirement plan not available to the people, it's because they want it that way.

There are no insoluble government problems.

Do not let these 545 people shift the blame to bureaucrats, whom they hire and whose jobs they can abolish; to lobbyists, whose gifts and advice they can reject; to regulators, to whom they give the power to regulate and from whom they can take this power.

Above all, do not let them con you into the belief that there exists disembodied mystical forces like 'the economy,' 'inflation' or 'politics' that prevent them from doing what they take an oath to do. Those 545 people, and they alone, are responsible.

They, and they alone, have the power.

They, and they alone, should be held accountable by the people who are their bosses - provided the voters have the gumption to manage their own employees.

We should vote all of them out of office and clean up their mess!

FYI: Charlie Reese is a former columnist of the Orlando Sentinel Newspaper.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Glass Houses and Environmental Garbage

Check out this page learn more about what Mr. Gore is doing to help conserve energy and "go green".
Glass Houses

"People who live in glass houses should not throw stones."
Remember what I said about leaders and followers? If he can't follow his own plan, what makes him an expert?

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Count the Gumballs - Illegal Immigration

I seem to have started a debate with my Patriots video. It has broadened in to the subject of illegal immigration and the pros and cons of illegal immigrants. Incidentally, there is no PRO. in allowing law breakers to become citizens. We have enough criminals as it is and once you allow one law to be broken, you open the door for others. Never mind the simple fact that the American economy can't support the shear volumn of people we are expected to support. Who do you think is going to pay the bill.

Ginger, more people, means LESS food, regardless of who's farming. You are looking at potential famine in a country already struggling to balance its budget and pay its bills. Add a million or two and their children and you have not seen the economic nightmare.

You are talking about more money spent to house, educate, feed, and give medical treatment to for FREE. I work in a government agency that doesn't have enough funds to assist CITIZENS with housing assistance so they won't have to live in shelters. You're telling me we should add a couple of million more low income families to the mix so they can come in and push honest legal citizens into homeless shelters?

Because that is what will happen. THERE IS NO MONEY TO SUPPORT THEM. Low income is low income and the greater the numbers of low income families, the more money that is required from the taxpayer to support them with food, shelter, education and medical. The middle class is paying for free housing, free medical, free food for low income families and believe me when I say we are being forced to cut people off every year because the Federal government can't provide more money. HUD cuts housing assistance ever single year by 10% at least.

So, those of you who think you have nothing to worry about should know the facts. Number speak for themselves. If you are pro illegal immigration you should be aware of what YOU will lose by allowing the numbers to continue. You are going to pay people, never think for one minute that there is anything way at all you will benefit from this. Sorry, Ginger, you better plant a garden cause you aren't going to be able to afford to feed your own family and you will pay for their college while all those illegals get to go tuition free!

And don't think for one minute they will continue to work for those menial wages, hon. Once they become citizens they will form unions, strike for higher wages, better housing, and better working conditions... the things accorded legal citizens. And the owner will continue to hire illegal immigrants because they can't afford to hire citizens! That is where your logic breaks down. You think it will be solved by legalization but if the farm owners wanted legal citizens they'd hire them. They don't want them for the very reason you state the illegals should be made citizens.

Learn to count, folks. Watch the gumballs.