Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Boring Week

A long week finally hits the mid-point. It has been hot and I've stayed inside except for mandatory excursions. My neck is a bit of a problem this week but I think I've caused it. I've been on the computer more.

On Monday Sarah, Mike and I went to the church Labor Day picnic. I've got shots from that here:

Nothing fancy, mind you. And not very good either. The day was overcast but there was a nice breeze that kept it pleasant outside. The property is really a beautiful place with lots of room for us to do things like this. The food was really excellent. I got one helping of Sister Connie's banana pudding. I got it before I got my lunch and a good thing. I was hoping for seconds and it was gone by then. I need to just buy the makings and make my own. Need to reduce it to a smaller size though. I'll look into that.

On Tuesday, it was my Sarah's 8th birthday. We had cake and ice cream at her house and I got her some new books. She's just growing up so fast. But still my best girl.

I'm really rather tired for some reason. I have not been sleeping well. Lots of weird dreams I can't remember. I had one where I was talking really weird... like a buzzing noise. That was odd and a bit disconcerting. It is all I remember about it, too. I didn't like it when I woke up from it.

I've managed to work out the kinks in two stories that I've been working on for two  years! That's a bit awesome. I don't mean I'm done with them but I've made some sense out of them, to me anyway. Now to get it down.

I'm having problems remembering to eat. I am usually sick by the time I remember to put something in me. It is very annoying. I don't really get very hungry. I ate regular meals when I worked because the clock told me to but sometimes I still wouldn't be hungry. Now, I don't have schedules driving me so eating isn't a priority... mentally anyway. I'm kind of sick at the moment because all I've had today is coffee. And I really don't want anything now. I've noticed I'm only able to go about 5 hours before I feel ill. But it isn't hunger, well, I don't feel hungry. And despite that, I'm not losing weight.

I'm going. I really have to find food so I don't pass out. What a bore the week has been.

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