Monday, January 16, 2006

Time Dilation & The Dishes

I am not going to apologize! I have been truly busy and so I have no reason to feel guilty. But I do. I wanted to do this blog but it just is not going well. I can’t find time or I can’t find topic. Very annoying.

Today is a holiday and I am off from work. I have found that the amount of things I have to get done increases exponentially in direct proportion to the amount of time I have off work. I think it is in the opposite direction. So, I end up with more to do than I have time to do it.

I did manage to clean most of the house on Saturday and do laundry. But I have to do dishes from Saturday through Sunday. I don’t have a dishwasher. On Sunday I spend nearly 6 hours in church. We generally go out on Sunday to eat so I am home approximately 4 hours during which time I am tired and try to rest and prepare for evening service. There is about 2 hours spent on getting ready for each service and another hour in the evening getting ready for bed. Then I usually spend an hour or two on the computer. So that leaves about 8 hours for sleep maybe. Sunday is a busier day than any of my work days!

There has to be some law that governs this but I have not found it written down. I wonder if this is like what they call “time dilation”? You know, the idea that moving clocks move at a slower rate than stationery ones. This would have to be something similar. If anyone comes up with a name, let me know!

I have dropped off the history board so I will stop spending huge chunks of time on that. I liked it but one can only talk so much on a single topic before one becomes redundant. Redundancy is boring. I met some nice friends on the board and I hope they keep in contact. I just need the time spent there for other things.

I found out last week I am to be a grandmother. I will have to think about it and give another post on it. I have been trying to garner some excitement but have not managed to do it. There are reasons. One being that I feel much too young to be a grandmother.

Well, the dishes await and so does breakfast!

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