Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Rain Fairy Dance

Hidden away in the Fairy Archives are special treasures waiting to be discovered. I found such a treasure today. Enjoy it. If you get this post by email, please cleck on the blog link to see it. 

A Rainy Day in a Lonely House

"Time does not bring relief; you all have lied   
Who told me time would ease me of my pain! 
I miss him in the weeping of the rain; 
I want him at the shrinking of the tide;
The old snows melt from every mountain-side,   
And last year’s leaves are smoke in every lane;   
But last year’s bitter loving must remain
Heaped on my heart, and my old thoughts abide.   
There are a hundred places where I fear   
To go,—so with his memory they brim.   
And entering with relief some quiet place   
Where never fell his foot or shone his face   
I say, “There is no memory of him here!”   
And so stand stricken, so remembering him.
Edna St. Vincent Millay
"Time Does Not Bring Relief" from Collected Poems. Copyright 1931

"Out of sheer taciturnity the ceiling listens
to the fall of the ancient leafless rain,
to feathers, to whatever the night imprisoned;
so I wait for you like a lonely house
till you will see me again and live in me.
Till then my windows ache."
Pablo Neruda

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Bend in the Road

There are times when the road you travel takes a turn and you find yourself on a warm sunny day, in a friendly place, surrounded by good people and good things. Today was like that.

I woke up feeling better than I've felt in two years. No, really. The Z-pac must have kicked a bunch of stuff out because I didn't even have sniffles and the only pain I have is my hands and that is rather mild. Yeah, I'm stunned, too.

It was a beautiful morning, but after getting Sarah off to school, I elected to go back to bed and sleep for another hour. I was still sleepy. So I did. Now, normally I never go back to bed because frankly, it is painful. I am usually in pain when I wake up and once I have been up an hour, I've worked off some of the stiffness and the pain is better. But going back to bed would mean starting over. I'd never sleep and if I did, it would be a miserable sleep filled with pain. Today, I was able to lie dow, andd it was so heavenly to lie on my bed and not hurt.

I was up and dressed by 10 a.m. because I had a lunch date at 11 a.m. Tomorrow is the start of Camp NaNo 2015 and I and 5 friends met for lunch to celebrate and kick off the April Camp session. I have an amazing bunch of friends! Really, they're the most awesome people. We ate and talked for two hours and I suspect we could have gone on longer but I think the staff was looking at us a bit odd.

Once I got home it was around 1:30 p.m. and after I fed Mike I packed up the computer and his tax paperwork and headed for the patio. However, while I was working on that, an old friend from Multiply days came online and invited me to a live video chat. Well, with assorted technical difficulties with both Skype and Google Hangouts, we finally were able to talk for about an hour. It was awesome to visit with Nancy January and catch up. Turns out she isn't really that far from where my son lives in Arkansas... just in Oklahoma. I'm going out to visit David after school is out and it would be so cool to visit my friends while I'm there.

After talking to Nancy, I filed Mike's taxes. Now I just have to get mine done. Ugh. I really hate doing taxes but this year, I actually got paid to do some taxes so it isn't so bad when that happens.

This week, I'm hoping the whole week is as nice as today and maybe I can actually do outside work for a bit. I have a lot to do around the yard and flowers to plant. We'll have to see. But then there's Camp... and a short story Anthology to pull together (with help from other writers), and the school is having students make up the missed days via online classes so Sarah's Saturday's will be tied up some. And there is the novel edit I have to get back to now that I'm feeling better.

I've been reading a lot lately. I've finished two Richard Castle novels and one David Baldacci novel in the last two weeks. It was my first Baldacci and I really, really, really like the way he writes, a lot. In fact, it was a bit of a comfort. He does somethings I do that everyone says shouldn't be done.. so now I will be doing them anyway. I'm about to start a new book my friend/group member Rae Ford handed me at lunch today. Not sure if I'll like it but one thing the Kindle did for me is get me to read authors I probably wouldn't have read before. Those authors who offer them free really are gaining readers.

Now, I'm off to other things. Bed probably. I have a busy day tomorrow.

Monday, March 30, 2015


Courtesy Pixabay @ Public Domain
Today I had to take Mike, my oldest son, in for his annual checkup. He can't drive himself because of the broken leg. He has no money or insurance and has to use a local clinic that helps low income and indigent folks get medical care. Remember that last bit: low income and indigent. The sign on the doors say it is for the homeless. My son isn't homeless but income wise he qualifies. He has no income.

As we stood at our window a  young woman with a small child stood at the one next to us. She was using the business phone through the service window. Her conversation with the party on the other end of the line went like this. I wasn't eavesdropping. She was talking very loud.

"I'm calling for the person who has this phone. Whoever has this phone, you better return it. I have a tracker on that phone and I am calling the police. I will prosecute you when I find you and I will find you cause I'm tracking you. Whoever you are you need to get my phone back to me now."

She hung up and gathered her handbag. As she walked away she was loudly grumbling. "You better return my phone. That's a $750 phone and I'm not about to lose it."

$750 phone.
$0 medical care.

Yes, I'm making several assumptions. However, once you've worked where I've worked, you realize this is not the exception, this is the rule.

Welcome to America.