Monday, August 27, 2012

Nearing The End

Tonight I finished downloading my Multiply videos and will begin reviewing my blog for any post listed there that is not on this site. For several years I've used Blogger as my mirror site. I didn't in the early days. I was at Yahoo 360 for a couple of years and when it closed I went to Multiply, which now has also sunk. I started here first and posted irregularly and not the same things I was putting on 360.

Once I shifted to Multiply, I began to cross post a bit more but still not extensively. At one point, I moved over a lot of blogs from here to Multiply but not vice versa, mainly because Multiply has no export feature. It would make our lives, those who are abandoning ship, easier. So, I've downloaded all my albums, all the videos I want to keep and all that remains is pulling posts off that I want to save. It was tedious doing the first two. The third will be horrendous.

 I've been monkeying with the appearance of my page. I don't do that often but one of the favored features at Multiply was the ability to "dress up". I encourage you to stop by my blogger site and see how I've changed things. You can decorate. I used the same wallpaper that I've had up on Multiply for a while. I have my NaNo buttons, albeit at the bottom of the page to save space, but they're there. A tag box is also at the bottom.

There are dozens of gadgets you can add to your page. I've picked things that appeal to me. You may choose different ones. And if you're really handy, you can design your own gadgets. I suspect that in a few weeks I'll take my site down on Multiply for good. I'm rarely there except to keep up with my friends who remain. Many have disappeared but a lot of them have followed me here and are using G+ as well. I'm glad. I've gained a few new friends, too.

That's the only aspect of the shift that seems positive, at least in the beginning. However, the more I've been forced to use Blogger and learn how to do things I wasn't doing and how many new things they have that I didn't know about, well, I'm not missing Multiply as much. Yes, I miss the community interaction but I've been able to get that with those who followed me to G+. I was skeptical of it at first but it works pretty good. There are not a lot of you. But I can select a circle of people, in this case called Blog Friends, and see their posts and comment and even chat in the comments in real time. Cheryl is learning her way around and we've sort of tested the waters. And I've been able to respond to comments in the Blog itself. I check my dashboard each time and it tells me if I have comments awaiting because I've got moderation turned on.

So, I'm content with the transition, more so than I ever was with 360. And now, I'm going to bed. The day was lousy and tomorrow I go back to work. The only good thing is that next weekend is a long weekend.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Long Week, Short Weekend

Somehow there seems to be a great injustice between the week and the weekend. I don't know who decided that the week should be 5 days and the weekend 2 nor why. They could just as easily have made it 4 and 3 or 3.5 and 3.5. Equal number of work days and days off. 

I think they should find the person who decided we have to work 40 hours a week. Really. He's probably dead now so any revenge we could take is impossible. 

I'm not rested and relaxed. I did laundry, went to lunch, picked up Mike and Sarah and went to Wal-mart with my sister to get some items. It ended up being a couple of hours. When we got home I was just too tired for anything. Sarah seemed to have a good evening playing with my sister. She played school. Anyone ever done that. She was teaching Phyllis the sounds the letters make. I kept forgetting to raise my hand... you're supposed to before you talk. 

Anyway, I took Mike home and Sara around 9:30 and continued to sit in a chair . . . very late. Found out my mother fell and broke her right arm between her wrist and elbow. She was out watering plants around 9 pm?!!!! Needless to say no one is happy about it. Her left arm is useless from a couple of previous falls. She can't do anything with it as far as I can tell. It is even crooked. So now I have no idea what she will do. 

Must head out to church now. I'm depressed this morning. I don't know why but it makes it harder to leave my house. I'd rather go to bed. But I'm not having company this afternoon. I'm considering shutting off all the phones. I don't like doing that.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Soak Your Feet In the Ocean

A New York retail clerk was suffering from aching feet. "It's all those years of standing," his doctor declared. You need a vacation. Go to Miami, soak your feet in the ocean and you'll feel better." When the man got to Florida, he went into a hardware store, bought two large buckets and headed for the beach. "How much for two buckets of that seawater?" he asked the lifeguard. "A dollar a bucket," the fellow replied with a straight face. The clerk paid him, filled his buckets, went to his hotel room and soaked his feet. They felt so much better he decided to repeat the treatment that afternoon. Again he handed the lifeguard two dollars. The young man took the money and said, "Help yourself." The clerk started for the water, then stopped in amazement. The tide was out. "Wow," he said, turning to the lifeguard. "Some business you got here!"

The Bridge

I get a joke daily from Today's joke just tickled me.
John lived across the river from his backwoods neighbor,Clarence, and the two feuded constantly. They never missed a chance to throw rocks and yell insults over the water.

One day the Army Corps of Engineers came to build a bridge. John was elated and told his wife he was finally going to get his hands on Clarence.

When the bridge was finished, John headed off, but he returned a few minutes later. 

"I never realized how big that guy is," John said sheepishly to his wife. "I headed for the bridge, and then I saw the sign: 'Clarence - 8 feet, 4 inches."

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Easy Ways to Travel

I've had a couple of comments on the extra page feature in Blogger. It is simple to add pages to and put a tab on your main page that will take folks to either another page in the blog or to another website. 

On your Blog Dashboard, check the left menu for Pages. Select that. On the next screen, you will see a layout with just one box titled "Home". At the top is a button with a drop down menu. Select New Page. It will bring up a drop down menu that will allow you to select whether you want a webpage or a blank page. If you select a blank page, you will get to add what you want on it. If you select a link to another website, a box will open where you type the name of the page that will appear on your tab in one field and in the next field you will put the URL for that page.

This isn't complicated. The URL is the site's address and is located in the browser address bar. Copy it and then go back to blogger and paste it in the field for URL. This is where I love the feature in browsers that allow you to have several sites open in tabs. 

Once you finish inputting the information, you save it, save the blog and then go look at the main page of  your blog. 

If you have several blogs or other sites you want your guest to navigate to, this is a great way to do it. This makes it easy to move to another site. Remember, that navigating back from other sites will have to be via the back button if you don't have links set up but I've tried it a few times and it isn't a big deal for me. I really love how it came out. If you want see how this looks, check out my blog. A Series of Unforseen Circumstances