Friday, January 7, 2011

Still Alive NaNoWriMo

A friend and local nano'er, Lulu, put the link for this video on her blog. I had not seen it before but it is just so cute I have to post it. I didn't win but....

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Something in the Air

Link "Why are the animals dying? Birds, fish wiped out in mysterious deaths"

I've been watching the stories of these mass animal deaths with interest. Revelations speaks of mass death in water and on land in the last days.

I also watched Flash Forward this past summer and the back story contained a scene of hundreds of black birds... get this... dropping to the ground, dead. The story contained several events over a period of years when this had happened and it had been kept secret. So, seeing it in real life this past week or so has been a bit disconcerting since in the television show it was a scientific experiment that caused serious problems.

Don't get me wrong. I know the Flash Forward is a fictional television show. I know some of you believe the Bible is a fable. I respect your opinions of both. I just don't necessarily agree with you on all of it. You see, I remember when wrist watches were two-way radios with video screens that existed only in the Dick Tracy comic... in the 50's and 60's. Hello?

So, my suspicions, along with the conspiracy freaks, is that this is something we are not being told. Birds do not drop out of the sky in the hundreds in a single area and fish in the same area do not wash ashore for no good reason. . . all within the same week while one state away the same thing was happening.

Mass extinction? It is the same species. Why didn't sparrows fall out of the sky? I can remember in 2003 traveling home through Arkansas from Little Rock and seeing thousands of these black birds. It was in December. We must have ridden for 50 miles and witnessed flock after flock of blackbirds flying west. I'd never seen anything like it. We were amazed at how many there were and wondered why they were there. So, when I heard of this story I was thrown back to that point in time.

When I read of the Horizon explosion and saw the photos and then saw the horrendous results of that I told my pastor, "I believe we just saw Wormwood." For the uninitiated to all this mumbo jumbo, read Revelations 8. Even he laughed at me. But I'm still not convinced it isn't true. A flaming star falling into the ocean causes contamination of the sea and death to the sea life. In the Bible version of Wormwood, it also actually sinks ships. There is concern in certain scientific sectors that some of these oil companies will puncture a methane vein. There are believed to be copious amounts beneath the oceans of the world. If that happens, Revelations 8 will come to pass and we won't be able to stop it. Read the science if you don't read the Bible. It is said it will be global death of every living thing.

Whatever your beliefs or disbeliefs, we better take such events seriously. To say hundreds of birds dropping dead from the skies and over 100,000 fish washing ashore dead is nothing to worry about is about the most ludicrous statement I've ever heard. And why would we not be concerned? When you start seeing aquatic life affected in the manner we are seeing, something in our system is seriously out of balance. It is a matter of time before it moves ashore. Sea life, all aquatic life in fact, is very sensitive to environmental changes. When birds fall from heaven in the hundreds, we might begin to wonder if it has now moved ashore. Does anyone really believe this is "nothing to worry about"?

What astounds me is that the "experts" expect us to accept it without question! And we do. Because they are paid to know. We believe if they have a PHD they must be right. Where I'm from we don't have much respect for PHD's. It means Post Hole Digger. So I tend to be more skeptical. I question everything. I do not believe in experts. I believe in educated guesses, hunches, and my gut. They've proven far more valuable to me. My gut says this is not good.

When wildlife begins to show signs of something wrong in the environment, something is seriously wrong. Miners long ago took canaries into the mines. Why? Because if there was a gas leak, the canary would die before it was strong enough to kill the miners. It must have been amazingly comforting in that deep dark hole to hear that little bird cheerily singing. Imagine the terror if it stopped. That would not be a good sign. You can bet that every miner in the mine would know in minutes to get out. Death was in the mine.

Anyone check the canary lately? Something is in the air.....and it's killing the birds.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sunshine Across the Desk

The only bright spot in the day is in the middle of my desk calendar. I'm buried under work and it won't get better. I'm not going to begin a litany of all that is wrong but lets just say I've been summoned to the corp. office this week to "assist" in some work there.... Yes, I have. By the Interim Executive Director, a very nice lady who admits she knows nothing.

When I called to ask for details on exactly what I'm expected to do she didn't seem to know. The accounting guy needs to go over some records. I and another person were chosen. In my mind I wonder why but don't ask.

I go to my supervisor. He was not consulted about who is to go. He was told to send me and T. While I was there, the E.D. called me back to say I wasn't in trouble or anything (nice to know) but that we were the only two people who seemed to know what was going on in the department. !!!! There are 14 of us here. I can assure you most know exactly what they are doing.

If you know me very well at all, you know that flattery is absolutely wasted on me. I just don't buy into it. You can't flatter me. If I tell you you are wonderful, I mean it. If someone else tells me I'm wonderful, I suspect they want something. I can't help it. It is just the way I'm wired. I've always been that way. I've been called beautiful by people I don't know very well. Hogwash. They're either blind or the village idiot or they want something. If they told me I'm very smart... I might agree but not because I'm flattered. I'd be glad they have enough intelligence to recognize it. Or, in the case cited above... I'd suspect you want me to do someone else's job. Either way, not good.

So, on Friday I go to corporate.

My boss said, "I think the accounting guy likes you."

I said, "He doesn't know me."

My boss said, "I hate him so I can't go."

"You know that I have no problem bearding the lions at Court Street."

He looked at me and then T and said, "Maybe you should let T do the talking. Sometimes you're delivery is lacking."

I looked at him. "It is what it is."

T. said, "She can do the talking."