Saturday, December 5, 2020

Scandal Mongers Are So Interesting

People love scandal. I don't know why. I suppose it is some dark place in each of us that is empty unless we're reading about, talking about, or involved. I don't like scandal but like anyone else, it makes me curious when people behave a certain way. 

I had a comment on my Facebook page from someone I have never named here but have posted about a situation involving them. I guess they felt the need to defend themselves. Never a good idea if you're innocent. I refer you to the post, Don't Poke the Bear if you're dying to know. I don't know what the comment said other than the first half dozen words, "We didn't raise our daughter" I deleted it before I saw anymore. I see no reason to say more than I have already said. I blocked the person from my Facebook page so they can't get into any more trouble. 

However, since I occasionally make public post that anyone can read, and this blog is an open blog, blocking is fairly pointless in these cases. Trolls will be trolls. I'm sure their "friend" who is so nice as to keep reading my blog to see if she can get any exciting tidbit to pass along will be sure they see the pertinent posts. I bet she even shared my link with them!

We all know people like that, they say they like you, but they keep feeding you negative things to make you mad. Don't know who you are, sweetie, but please keep passing along my posts! My traffic is going up since you did that! I wondered why it has shot up recently. How many have you shared it with? Did you share it with their church friends? I bet you did. Cause you're special that way.

You may ask why I didn't read the comment, and it is a fair question. When I told my son about it, he asked what it said. I tell you what I told him. "I don't know. I didn't read it. I'm not interested in anything they have to say." See, when you have evidence that you're right about something, nothing anyone says will change that. I have 4 years of psychiatric records that document what was happening. Four years. When she went to live with her Dad, her counselor was best friends with the stepmother. That is an absolute violation of professional standards. Who was she going to tell about her problems then? No one. 

So, I will say again to this friend. You are only getting more deeply involved in things that are none of your business. You are creating trouble for people you supposedly are on good terms with, and if they had any common sense, they'd be asking why anyone would do such a thing. I don't care what you do. 

BE ADVISED: This is my last warning to you folks. I've been relatively quiet to protect my girl from further heartache. I've named no names here and never intended to. However, do not attempt any further contact in any form with me or direct any communication to me. And don't call my son and make threats. If you do, I will report to the state agency that handles suspected abuse cases. There I will present the records of counseling sessions, psychiatrist notes, and the names of everyone involved. I'm not out to get anyone because it won't change a thing, but if you don't bug off, I will do what I should have done in November 2019. There are other children that visit that home and an investigation might not be as much fun as you had mistreating my girl.

Go quietly. Keep your comments to yourself. You've poked the bear one time too many. You won't get another chance to do that. I will make my next statement to Family Services in a certain state. 

Don't believe me? Try me.

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