Friday, June 28, 2019

The Narrowing Ledge

Someone told me recently that I hadn't posted to this blog in a while so I decided it might be a good idea to do that. Not that many people are out there waiting with bated breath to read it. Still, it's good to keep it updated. I'm positive that someday social archeologist will dig into blogs to discover what we were thinking and how it applied to our religious rituals. 

In recent weeks my life has sort of fallen apart. In fact, in the last three years, things have just gotten bad. Serious medical problems that required surgery, my car totaled, another medical issue that drained my bank account. And then they decided to take Sarah away. After 5 years she will leave me to live with her dad. I won't go into all of it here because it is depressing enough living it. I don't see any reason to live all of it over again in writing. Let's just say writing has been at the bottom of my list of to-dos.

I'll just say I'm still here and working a new job from home. This will help get the bills back under control and give me some breathing space. I didn't want to go back to work but with Sarah gone, I'll need to stay occupied or I'll lose my mind. 

I will anyway.

1 comment:

  1. In its own way, it is a loss. A milestone in life from whence we’ll say “When she was here,” and “After she left.” It also mean schedule changes and a more quiet house. None of those can be deemed “good.” It is survivable. And that’s the best we can be promised, until the God of all comfort (I’ve com to depend on that blessing!) adds to our life. I believe He will, for I’ve seen the works He has accomplished for people in pain. You remain in my prayers.


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