Saturday, March 31, 2007

Updating the Mist

Just spent several minutes updating the draft of Hidden in the Mist I have posted. It is a bit of a chore but I quite like this idea of putting it out here. I suppose I could limit access a bit and may eventually do that to those who request it. Have to think about it.

Today is a gloomy day. The sky is overcast and the wind has a bit of a chill. Not cold, just a bit cool. I am sure it is somewhere in the 60's. The pollen, on the other hand, is horrendous. I have a sore throat, stuffy nose, and my skin feels tight, probably because of a coating of pollen. I dislike the mid-west, particularly this pothole where I live. No real clean air, the water is really nasty, and I've been sick ever since I came here.

Believe me, if I was financially able to leave, I would. I crave an ocean breeze so badly I can almost smell it. And to see a sky that is not tinged with the gray of motor exhaust would be heaven indeed.

Well, enough of that. I am out of here for a bit. Got loads of stuff I want to do today. I have felt back all day with the allergy symptoms and I can't take a lot of stuff because it knocks me out.

Have a good day all. Drop by Hidden In the Mist and take a coffee break.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Bring You Up-To-Date

I just finished updating my "novel" blog, Hidden in the Mist . It is finally up-to-date with my Yahoo 360 blog. This will make it easier for new readers to get caught up quicker and stay on track.

The trick now will be just keeping it current. It is very difficult to keep two blogs going and I have tended to move toward the 360 blog. However, offeres some fun and unique ideas and ways to tweak it that Yahoo doesn't offer. So, I have kept both.

I am also going to to start thinking about the November NaNoWriMo contest again. I think I should get a plan this time and work with that. The starting cold turkey seemed to be a hinderance. And they say that an outline is acceptable. I do so hate outlines!

That's all for tonight. I hope you will visit all my sites. Have a great weekend. I am off to work on Chapter X.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

When the Wind Blows...

I was looking at the ticker at the top of the page and got a graphic of how quickly time has flown. My baby girl is half a year old! I won't go in to the sappy grandmama stuff but she is such a doll.

Sarah Cheyenne, December 2006

She is still small, only weighs a bit over 13 lbs. She doesn't care much for baby food and sometimes she doesn't drink a full 8 ozs of formula. She has little fat feet and fat legs and her hands are a bit plump but she isn't really fat, like some babies. I worry but we give her vitamins in her formula so she at least gets enough of those. She is a happy smiley baby who loves music. During church I hold her facing front and seated on my arm with my other arm around her. Today, during the singing her little legs were kicking and her arms flapping around and she was having the best time. Becca and I laughed and both of us agree, once she is on her feet, watch out, cause Miss Cheyenne has her shouting shoes on. This is one Pentecostal baby.

I am sitting in my study enjoying the peace and quiet. Mike is working, Dave and Becca are out and Jerry is napping in his chair. There is NO SOUND but the computer, heat flow, and the ticking of my clock. You know there is a scripture that says there will be 30 minutes of silence in heaven when God is presented with the prayers of the Saints. I suspect it will be my favorite time if I am honored to be there. I am awed by Him now and the sound of that kind of silence must be overwhelming to the spirit. Not even the ticking of a clock because time will be no more. Not the breath of a breeze because nature will cease her restless turmoil.


Visit my Yahoo 360 page. Dixiegirl

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Touching Base, Catching up, Etc.

Oh Lord! How long has it been. The other blogs have kept me busy. I have too much going on. Still have a houseful of people but David does have a job now at Chick-Fil-et. Is that how they spell it? I don't know when he starts.

In about two months they should come up to the top of the list for housing. Hope he keeps this job.

Mike's job is not scheduling him at all so I suspect they want him to quit so they don't have to fire him. He has been home for nearly a week and has worked one day.

There is more on Mike but way too much to recount here. He's met another internet bimbo but this one is in Miss. He went down and stayed two weeks visiting her. I don't know her, what kind of person she is or anything, except she is a bit more attractive than the last one but that doesn't take much. She is thinner that the last one, and that doesn't take much either. My concern is if she is in church. She has four kids by different men so I am not encouraged by her lifestyle.

You know, I came out of a small southern town. We do not have to perpetuate the common perception of women from small southern towns. Those who do, do so by choice. Education, culture, poise, and plain old class are all things within our control. To blame location, parentage, education, economics or anything else on what we become is simply a cop out for the lazy.

Of course he is in LOVE and wants to marry her after one meeting. How stupid can people get? Let me tell you.....

No, I won't go there. I am finished fixing everyone's problems. They will do what they want anyway and from now on they all better be prepared to take care of themselves. I have nearly lost everthing I own to take care of other people. I'm finished.

I am gearing up for the weekend. Can't wait. Check out the yahoo 36 blog for more detail on what is happening. Also, check out the Hidden In the Mist blog. It is listed in the profile.

Hope you all have a great day!